ETDC Terms & Conditions

The name of our club is the Enginetuner Drivers Club (the “ETDC”).
The club is owned and operated by Enginetuner Ltd and all decisions relating to the club shall be taken solely by Enginetuner Ltd.
All members are provided with a copy of these Terms upon joining the ETDC and are deemed to have acknowledged that they understand and accept them.
A copy of these Terms is available upon request by emailing driversclub@enginetuner.co.uk.
Club Objectives
The objectives of the ETDC are:
- to encourage and promote interest in performance and modified vehicles;
- to promote and foster fellowship and a sense of community between owners of these vehicles;
- to further the motoring interests of members generally and where necessary or desirable to join with other persons, clubs or associations to this end; and
- to encourage social contact between members and generally afford to them all the usual privileges and accommodations of being a member of a club. These objects are to be achieved by the organisation of events for the mutual advantage of members of the Club and the provision of other services and facilities which may be of benefit to members.
Membership and Annual Fees
Membership is available in two tiers or “stages”, each of which entitles the member to a different package of benefits:
(a) Stage 1 - £250 plus VAT per calendar year
(b) Stage 2 – £450 plus VAT per calendar year
The annual membership fees stated above are correct as at December 2022 and are subject to change in the future.
A member is free to upgrade his or her membership stage at any time. An additional fee will be chargeable and will be calculated on a pro rata basis for the remaining calendar year.
Membership will lapse at the end of each calendar year unless the member has paid the required membership renewal fee.
Membership Applications
All prospective members of ETDC are required to submit an application for membership which will be considered by Enginetuner Ltd.
Applications are not guaranteed. All applications will be considered by a Management Committee of three members of staff at Enginetuner Ltd. The Management Committee reserves the right to reject applications but will never do so on grounds of the age, race, sex, sexual orientation or disability of the prospective member.
Termination of Membership
We think it is very unlikely that there will ever be grounds to terminate a member’s membership of the ETDC. However, in the rare event that termination is deemed by the Management Committee to be justified, the Management Committee reserves the right to do so. A pro rata refund of the membership fee will be given.
ETDC Events
Participation in ETDC events is undertaken at the sole risk of the member. Except in a case of gross negligence committed by a member of its staff, Enginetuner Ltd accepts no liability or responsibility whatsoever for any personal injury or other harm to a member or to a member’s vehicle.
The member must provide proof of membership at ETDC events when requested to do so. Failure to do so may lead to a refusal of participation.
In respect of any ETDC event that takes place outside the UK, the member will be solely responsible for complying with any passport, visa or vaccination requirements.
Unless otherwise allowed, members must only book ETDC events for their own participation and cannot do so on behalf of others.
Some ETDC events may be dependent on weather or other factors outside the control of Enginetuner or the supplier and no right to cancellation or refund exists in these circumstances unless the terms and conditions of the supplier provide otherwise.
Should a member wish to cancel participation in an event after making a booking, the member must notify Enginetuner as soon as possible by email to driversclub@enginetuner.co.uk.
Each ETDC event will be subject to a specific refund policy according to the nature of the event and the terms and conditions of any external supplier. The policy will be notified to you in advance of every event.
Where cancellation arises and is the fault of an external supplier, the terms and conditions of that supplier shall apply. Enginetuner will use reasonable endeavours to recover payment of the monies paid by the member for the ETDC event but shall not be obliged to commence legal proceedings.
Member discounts
A member may only use an ETDC discount for their own benefit or use. Any member found to have shared or given a discount to a non-member will be in breach of these terms and conditions and may be removed from the ETDC.
Data Protection
Enginetuner will take all reasonable precautions to keep personal information secure and will process your personal information in accordance with the law at all times.
In view of the potentially dangerous nature of certain ETDC events or activities, we very strongly recommend that you obtain your own personal accident and third-party liability insurance through companies of your own choice and to suit your personal circumstances. Members shall have full responsibility for arranging their own suitable insurance.
Members agree to allow Enginetuner to use any photographs or other images of them or their cars taken at ETDC events or activities for promotional purposes and are aware that they may be taken by other members and posted on social networking sites or elsewhere over which Enginetuner has no control. Where you ask us to remove a photograph on the Enginetuner website or social media channels , we will consider exercising discretion to remove it but are under no obligation to do so.
ETDC Newsletter
As a member, you agree to receive our newsletter by email. This is a benefit of the club as it keeps you updated on ETDC events and activities. Should you wish to unsubscribe you can do so at any time using the links available in the footer of the email.